Friday, March 27, 2009

Mag report - GROUP (Mar-Apr 2009)

Read the new GROUP magazine on the flight to the PDYM conference at Saddleback. Here are a couple things that stood out to me:

What I liked: Doug Field's interview with Darren Whitehead really resonated with me. The importance of equipping parents to impact their kids' lives is huge. Here is something that really hit me, "We have to move more and more toward being family-based - to have a particular emphasis on helping parents disciple their own kids." Right on Darren Whitehead.

???: When I read Steve Merritt's article "Parenting Parents" I really had a love/hate reaction to it. I agree totally with the idea that we need to help parents. I'm not sure that many parents are going to receive these ideas from most of our youth pastors. Most of them are single/just married/just had their first kid/etc and that is awesome--but hard for parents to be parented by them.

Key statement: I really liked what Stephanie Caro said in her article, "Big Worship." "If your group isn't used to worship experiences and you suddenly introduce them, it will go badly. Avoid that pothole by bringing them in from the beginning - get buy-in."

Something creative: I talked about evernote often on my blog and here is a way that I use it. In the back of every GROUP mag is a section called "the rip out." It has ideas of how to use the current media to impact kids. I put the key idea, verse(s), and key words from those rip outs into evernote. Then when I'm working on a lesson on a given topic I search my evernote and there is something from a past GROUP mag about it I'm able to find it and use it.

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