Friday, May 25, 2007

15 years ago - OH MY!!

May 24th, 1992 will always be one of the most important days of my life. I meet Lisa for the first time and I've never looked back. My wife and I got a chance yesterday to spend some time together (with our kids) remembering when we first meet and what we did together.

We took the boys out to the movie (Lisa & I saw two movies our first day together) Shrek 3. It was ok - but not that great. Then I took the boys to a wonderful youth sponsors home to be watched and Lisa went and got the girls (we babysit a girl (Becka)). We meet an Pei's mandarin (Lisa & I went to a Chinese restaurant our first time together) and enjoyed a simple snack there. Then it was off to a httsoftball game that Lindsey and I were in (we lost 11 to 12). Then we took Becka home, got the boys, and went to bed. It was a simple but wonderful time together remembering.


Tye said...

AWESOME! I love Pei's! Judy and I went to ChiChi's and a haunted house on October 31, 1982. whoah! That is a long time ago.

The Stutts Family said...

Great, it's all about revisiting those moments that are special. For us it's songs and pictures especially. Amazing what can bring back memories that are such a blessing. Repeating patterns put you right back where you started from, isn't God good? Jill

Mark E. Eades said...

Thanks Tye and Jill for your thoughts. Fun to read some of your firsts with your loves. It was a wonderful first meeting for us.

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