Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Video Annoucements for Feb 21, 2007

This was our first try doing video annoucements this year and putting it on u-tube. Enjoy


Tye Male said...

AWESOME!!! Erin looks like a "deer in the headlight" look! John - hilarious!

Mark E. Eades said...

ompWhat was really interesting was when you and Mike came on the jr hi kids went crazy (laughing & clapping there hands). It was wild. LOL

Mark E. Eades said...

of course Mike should be Mick opps sry Mick!

Nick said...

how did it go? did the MS kids go and watch it?

Mark E. Eades said...

Nick, thx for reading. Yea they watched the same day it was made. Went well and helped them remember the different things that came up at that time. Enjoyed your blog on book reviews thx for doing that.

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