Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've been published

A jr hi guy like myself has been working with an organization that helps youth pastors. National Network of youth ministry (NNYM) is a networking organization to help youth pastors across the nation and world to connect with each other. My jr hi guy friend, Sean Meade, was asked to spear head for NNYM a middle school section (middlenet). Sean has talked with a number of jr hi guys/gals to help him on this opportunity and he asked me if I would write an article for the middlenet web site. I agreed and sent him an article on relationships with middle school youth. So as of yesterday I have been published for the first time on a little web site that I think can be very helpful to jr hi guys/gals.


-E said...

Wow! Published! You've inspired me. :o)

What was cool, but slightly disorienting, as I read your article was knowing you and the context in which you were writing. Usually articles are so "generic" because you don't know the author, but as you mentioned carpetball and other things, I could actually see where those things were taking place. That's a weird feeling when reading an article. But now I can name drop. :o)

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the article yet, but congrats and kudos! You are doing an awesome job! Tye

Chris said...

Keep writing, you have a lot of great things to say!

-C. Havenridge

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Mark!

I'm published, too! Many different times!

(aka Author Unknown or just Unknown)

Prose is poetry when it can be interpreted from multiple directions.

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