Friday, June 09, 2006

Day 2 of The tri-state tour

Here I am at Lake Williamson with Alex and Sky (it's actually Skylar but she doesn't like that name). They are going to help me update everyone about what has happen on the 2nd day of this awesome trip.

Mark - Tell me something about the day?
Alex - Batman was awesome
Sky - ummm... hehe LOL ummm... I can't ummmm.. OH YEA !! Bret Knockle is a hazard!

On one of our first rides Bret brought a camera on a ride and he wasn't to bring it on. So when the ride supervisors saw him they stopped the ride and told him to put his camera away. Well after that they "tried" to start the ride again and it didn't work. To make a long time shorter we set there for a while 8-12 employees came and tried to get us going again. Well it was a big deal and turned out to be a great memory maker.

Alex - Then like no one wanted to ride with Bret

But others did want to ride with him so he wasn't to sad

Sky - He was put on "ground duty" for a while

Well we have to go so we are not let. I'll have to update this more tomorrow.

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