Monday, May 03, 2010

Prayers and Review of Mar/Apr 2010

I haven't done my prayer/review in a long time. The prayers I have posted here on my blog are from my personal devotional times. I did a different devo for a number of months and now I'm back to something I did earlier which includes these devo prayers:

Lord, may I slowly but constantly become fully comfortable with all that you want me to do.

Lord, may I praise you when I start the day and when I end the day - may everything that I do be about praising you.

Lord, I am your servant and I want your glory to shine out from me - not for me to be seen but for you to be seen.

Lord, as the days go by & I look to you forever thing that is good and true may your Holy Spirit work in me every second I breathe.

Lord, may I slowly understand more of what is happening on this earth, from the past, the present, & the future.

Lord, may my eyes be opened by you to see how to produce fruit everlasting for both myself and those you allow me to be around.

Lord, may I never stop ministering to middle schoolers until you are done with me and may I be ok with that.

Lord, may I stand strong during any test that the devil sends my way. May I honor you with each moment of my life.

Lord, no matter what you hand me, may I receive if with great joy.

Lord, may my words be trust worthy for anyone who hears them or reads them.

Lord, may you be glorified through me.

Lord, thank you for being a willing Father & that you have made it possible for all of us to have our sins cleaned.

Lord, open my eyes to those around me, help me see them the way you do - totally loved and desiring them to come to know you personally.

Lord, I need you to work in my heart; I want only to be a man after you.

Lord, may I hunger for you, may I laugh for you.

Lord, open my eyes to see those who are my enemies so that I might be a light to point out you.

Lord, help me to be all that Mark Eades is to be for your glory.

Lord, my I care for ever person I see.

Lord, may I be Mark Eades on this earth and may I be content with that - I humbly come to you asking for that.

Lord, no matter where I am I will bow before your feet to honor you with all that I am.

Lord, help me to be ok with what you give me - no matter how much or how little (thou I really have no idea what little is).

Lord, may I always remember that I have many brothers & sisters which include your son.

Lord, thank you so much for showing your power through your son, may I always honor you with that knowledge.

Lord, may I hold on to your truth and believe in your love for me - day in and day out.

Lord, if you think I need to take a break help me do that - if not help me not. Open my eyes to see how to best honor you with each step of my life.

Lord, open my eyes to your truth and help me be satisfied with that.

Lord, I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you like I should - I want to meet with you each day & stay with you the whole day - help me PLS!

Lord, may I celebrate with all my brothers and sisters who are with you - even if they are not with me.

Lord, open my eyes to the stuff that you want me to get out of my life - then please give me the strength to remove it.

Lord, thank you for reminding me that no matter what is happening around me it is all about you.

Lord, may I be the long term solution for those around me who need a consist presence of you in their lives.

Lord, there are times in your word that I don't understand - help me to understand.

Lord, may I always be your follower.

Lord, may I be part of the crowd that you long to be with & not the crowd that wants miraculous signs.

Lord, look at my insides and help me clean it up.

Lord, I need you to balance me - help me to be aggressive and compassionate at the same time so that you might be known & I'm not known at all.

Lord, may you be glorified through all that I do.

Lord, may you find me waiting for you.

Lord, may you find me serving you in all that I do so that you may be honored and glorified.

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