Thursday, December 06, 2007

First 8th grade night 2007-08

Lesson Topic: 8th grade night - Dating
Attendance: average
'Fun Factor': above average
Volunteer Involvement: average
Music: above average
Lesson Quality: above average
Length of Lesson: 20 mins
Student Response: above average
Favorite statement of the night: "You've got to treat each other with royalty."

We give the 8th graders certain wed. nights to run IMPACT. Last night was our first of many 8th grade nights for the 07-08 school year. The night went extremely well. A couple of our boys put together a dodge-ball game where almost the whole group played (which was a surprise to me), then a group of 8th graders lead us in a great worship time, and then two of our 8th graders did a wonderful job sharing God's truth about dating. Over all a great start of the 8th grade nights.

(note: I got this idea of reviewing the night from Kurt Johnston's blog)

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