Saturday, April 21, 2007

Devo and running together

I haven't posted a devo in a long time but the one I did today seemed powerful to me. As I changed the way I do my devo time (this post explains what changes I've done) I wanted to share this one.

I'm at East Iowa Bible camp a beutiful place to have our pastor, elder, & deacon meeting. I was reading through Hebrews 3 and looked at this verse:

Heb 3:13 For as long as it's still God's Today, keep each other on your toes so sin doesn't slow down your reflexes.

I really like this idea of "keep each other on your toes" so that "sin doesn't slow down your reflexes." So often I think about the idea that I'm slowing down. Today I tryed to run with a group of guys here at camp and I was only able to stay with them for less than 13 min (most of that was down hill). I'm slowing down because I haven't kept up my running but these guys have. If I had been running with them for a while it would have been cake to run the 45 min or so that they ran - I went for another 17 min running and walking. Nothing like having todays experence focus me on what I must be doing in my Christian run/walk. I need to keep guys around me so that they may be a part of keeping my reflexes up. Lord, I want to be quick off the gun when it is time for me to act for you. Help me surround myself with men/women who will keep me on my toes.

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