Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spring Break is for family time

This was our first time to go on a spring break trip with just the family and not going to extended family. We love being with cousins and seeing my sister or brothers. We enjoy spending time with Lisa's family and being in Ohio. But this is a first for our family to just vacation together alone and it was well worth it.
We got to do things we love to do together. We started off on Thursday with caching around the Amana Colony, then it was off to the Wasserbahn Waterpark resort to play in the water until we almost fall asleep standing from all the fun we were having. We crashed about 10:30 pm but we were up by 8:30am to eat and get wet some more. Then off we go to cache again and find our 100th cache (YES!) and then finally we stopped at Coralridge Mall to play at the kids museum and soft play area. Great time, great fun, and exactly what the Eades family needed to do.
If you would like to see some pictures of our trip please click on the picture.


Robin said...

Great pictures of a great family! It looks like you and the kids had a ball. See ya all soon.

Mark E. Eades said...

Robin - yep it was a great time and the kids, mom, and myself were really really tried. But wounldn't trade it for the world!

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